About the Society.
The Royal Watercolour of Wales aims to exhibit, encourage and promote the craft of watercolour in its many different guises.
The Royal Watercolour Society of Wales was formed by six like-minded artists, living in and around Cardiff, to exhibit and promote this medium by holding regular exhibitions of their work throughout Wales. The first exhibition was held in 1959 at the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff. Today the society has around 40 members - all professional artists- living and working in Wales. Entry to the society is by election: in this way the RWSW maintains high standards of work as well as attracting new talent to its ranks.
Showcasing the art of watercolour, through the paintings of its members, RWSW aims to provide a forum for the continuing appreciation and development of the medium.
RWSW aims to hold at least two exhibitions a year and also to bring together its members for art fairs, and social events. Through such activities the society aims to explore and innovate - welcoming experimentation, new ideas and techniques. The society aims to foster a sense of community and to inform and engage the public with talks and demonstrations by its members.
In 2007 The Royal Watercolour Society of Wales was honoured when the Prince of Wales agreed to become its patron having exhibited with us for some years. A further honour followed in 2013 when Her Majesty the Queen agreed that the name of the Watercolour Society of Wales be changed to the Royal Watercolour Society. We are most gratified that his majesty had continued his patronage of the society after assuming his position as sovereign.
Now available
A booklet about the last 50 years of the Royal Watercolour Society of Wales
Its is available for £10 by contacting the Secretary using the contact form.